Advanced Medical Imaging and High Energy Physics
In advanced medical imaging equipment such as Positron Emission Tomography (PET), the principle of PET is that FDG (fluoro-18 deoxy glucose) inject into the human body and observe the uptake of FDG by tumor cells and release positrons through metabolic processes. Positrons quickly combine with the electrons around the tissue to produce a pair of gamma rays that are detected in opposite directions by a ring detector, and use TOF (time of flight) technology to reverse the tumor cell position (Figure 1).
(Figure 1)

The detector is assembled by front end scintillator and back end SiPM. This detection technology is not only used in PET medical imaging applications, but also used in the detection of high-energy gamma ray generated by collision of elementary particles in accelerators of high energy physics.
(Figure 2)

(Figure 1)

The detector is assembled by front end scintillator and back end SiPM. This detection technology is not only used in PET medical imaging applications, but also used in the detection of high-energy gamma ray generated by collision of elementary particles in accelerators of high energy physics.
(Figure 2)